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lunedì 1 febbraio 2016



lunedì 28 dicembre 2015


Tutto ebbe inizio da qui.. una fanzine “skinhead”, rigorosamente fotocopiata, inizialmente pensata come voce del collettivo Romagna Skinheads Antirazzisti.. l’anno è circa il 2002 o 2003.. il collettivo poi muore dopo circa un anno tirando fuori il solo numero 0 e un signor concerto in un neonato CSA Spartaco prima gestione: Banda Del Rione e Youngang.
Terminata dunque quell’esperienza un giovine Baku (conosciuto anche come Mattia) decide di continuare comunque la ‘zine che pure aveva riscosso un discreto successo anche per la collaborazione di un giovanissimo amico e compagno di esperienze politiche giovanili romano:  Zerocalcare (nientepopodimeno ché!) al tempo skinhead e sconosciuto fuori dalla scena ma già bravissimo!  Collaborò con tutti i numeri della fanzine (3 in totale) curandone le copertine e con fumetti interni davvero magnifici che custodirò gelosamente e che potranno leggere solo coloro che comprarono al tempo la ‘zine!
Con Zerocalcare stesso Baku co-produsse il primo disco con una etichetta dai due appositamente creata per aiutare 2 gruppi di amici a far uscire il proprio split. Il nome era “Spirit of ‘36” (‘36, per chi non avesse colto, è l’anno simbolo della guerra civile in Spagna quando ancora si respirava una salutare unione fra le forze rivoluzionarie antifasciste) e lo split era fra Istinto Antifascista (Milano) e Subculture Voice (Crema). Questo fu l’inizio e la fine della collaborazione discografica fra i due.. semplicemente perché non c’era al tempo alcun interesse a farla proseguire!

Dal terzo numero della ‘zine (che era poi il numero 2), e qua missà che siam già verso il 2005-2006 visto che la ‘zine usciva tempestivamente una volta ogni anno e un po’, Davide detto anche “Jack”,  un amico skin modenese (di Verica di Pavullo a onor del vero), ma di stanza a Ravenna causa studi, si unì a Baku. Con il buon Davide, con più esperienza e con un casino di voglia di fare, dalla fanzine nacque un' etichetta vera e propria: PMC-SO36 (Pour Ma Classe – Spirit of 36… cioè non avevam voglia di pensare ad un nome nuovo quindi abbiamo unito i 2 precedenti). Come se non bastasse per le produzioni HC e Punk-HC, genere molto caro a Davide, fondammo Columna HC (altro riferimento alla guerra civile di Spagna.. i battaglioni anarchici erano organizzati in “colonne”: Columna de Hierro, Durruti, Roja y Negra ecc…). Con queste etichette co-producemmo l’esordio dei Plakkaggio HC, Smashrooms, A Fora De Arrastu, Milizia HC, Ludd e svariati altri! Poi Satana apparve in sogno a Davide ed egli cominciò ad ascoltare musiche da sgozzacapretti metallari! Dunque decidemmo in tutta amicizia che le differenze musicali erano ormai incolmabili e chiudemmo baracca.. sarà stato il 2007-8.. poi assieme ad altri Davide fonderà l’Iconoclast Records che è una serissima etichetta per l’underground metalloso!
Prima della separazione consensuale avevamo però organizzato dei signori concerti, tutti al CSA Capolinea di Faenza! Tra gli altri Payback, Tear Me Down, Fall Out, Rebelde, Atarassia Grop, Affluente, Hudson Falcons, Spina Nel Fianco ecc..

Stavolta sono sicuro della data! Siamo negli ultimi mesi del 2009 quando di ritorno da una serata da qualche parte Baku decide di proporre a quelli che erano al tempo i suoi ufficiali portabirre (nome bonario che davamo agli skins più giovani ai tempi delle serate al Lazzaretto organizzate da S.A.B. prima e Bologna Beve poi.. non mi han mai portato la birra in realtà, ingrati!) di fare una etichetta e di organizzare assieme concerti sotto il nome di Rumagna Sgroza (che è romagnolo e significa Romagna Rude/Rozza/Grezza) siccome era da qualche anno che in zona Ravenna c’era un gran silenzio. Un giovane e sempre sorridente Teo accetta subito mentre il tentennatore seriale Gian prende tempo per poi decidere, suppongo dopo giornate di valutazione pro e contro, di non imbarcarsi in questa avventura!
Zerocalcare farà l’ultimo servigio disegnandoci il logo, poi deciderà che è stanco dell’anonimato e diverrà uno dei fumettisti più importanti in Italia.
Baku e Teo iniziano invece ad organizzare febbrilmente concerti (al Capolinea e al Lughé di Lugo per poi spostarsi definitivamente al CSA Spartaco di Ravenna divenuta a tutti gli effetti la nostra casa) e co-produrre dischi nonché imbastire una discreta distro scambiando ed acquistando materiale da etichette “colleghe”! Inizialmente anche il nostro buon amico Ale il Nero prende parte attiva al progetto. Poi una giovane veneta adottata romagnola di nome Paolina un dì compì la scelta efferata di accompagnarsi con Baku ed oltre a diventare fondamentale per quest’ultimo lo diverrà anche per l’etichetta grazie al suo costante e indispensabile supporto!

Eddunque che abbiamo fatto in questi  6 anni di storia? Beh, intanto abbiamo dato seguito a quelle che erano le serate più interessanti della zona prima del nostro avvento: le Rude Night (organizzate principalmente da Red, Loreto, Troccolo, Silvia che, oltre ad essere amici, sono state persone fondamentali, per noi e per la scena nord-romagnola) mutandole in RumagnaRudeNight, aggiungendo spesso qualche band live (tra cui spiccano i nomi di Offenders, Ashpipe, The Riots)  e qualche dj ospite; abbiamo organizzato diversi concerti, molti dei quali benefit (per i terremotati d’Emilia, per il Marceria, per i No Tav arrestati, per Kobane,  per singoli compagni con “problemi” ecc..) portando a Ravenna band quali Nabat, Impact, Basta, Tear Me Down, Affluente, Los Fastidios, Reazione, Rebelde, Overload, Luvdump, Plakkaggio HC, Gli Ultimi.. e un sacco di altre! Come etichetta cerchiamo di sostenere quanto più possibile i gruppi locali sia facendogli aprire serate a band più note sia aiutandoli a far uscire i loro dischi. Per il momento annoveriamo tra questi Scorma, The Motivated, Tumulto, La Prospettiva, Turn Against, Zeman, La Svolta, Huaraca Orkestra, Diario di Bordo, Balotta Continua (e più o meno tutte le band attive Oi!/Punk/Punk-HC/Ska del territorio han suonato nei nostri concerti).. ma sosteniamo ovviamente anche band che ci piacciono di ogni dove (Plakkaggio, Gli Ultimi, Guacamaya, Bomber80, Mossin Nagant, Skarmento, Affluente, No Prove…)!

E quindi arriviamo ad oggi, fine 2015, dove abbiamo conseguito quello che per noi è un grandissimo obiettivo: realizzare una compilation antologica della musica di strada in Romagna. INT LA STRE (nella strada) – Un sorso di Romagna era nelle nostre teste praticamente da quando ci imbarcammo in questa avventura e dopo circa un anno emmezzo di “lavoro” è venuta alla luce! 34 band vecchie, nuove, conosciute, trovate, riscoperte..  e il fiore all’occhiello è la copertina disegnata da uno Zerocalcare ormai famosissimo che però si ricorda ancora chi è e da dove viene!
Quando abbiamo avuto tra le mani questo doppio cd stampato è stata per noi un’emozione che fatichiamo a trasmettervi..  Oltretutto questo è il primissimo disco interamente curato da noi… i-jè sudisfazio’.

Tutto questo non ci sarebbe mai stato possibile se non avessimo potuto contare sugli amici locali (noi siamo di Bagnacavallo e Lugo.. ed in generale della Bassa Romagna, ovvero la zona pianeggiante della provincia di Ravenna) che magari non gli piace nemmeno la musica che facciamo ma che comunque ci supportano a prescindere! Poi i ragazzi di Spartaco e del Collettivo Autonomo Studentesco di Ravenna senza i quali non potremmo fare alcun concerto! Stesso discorso per gli altri spazi sociali che ci hanno ospitato e che ci ospiteranno! E quindi Capolinea (Faenza), Lughé (Lugo) e Brigata 36 (Imola ). A loro si aggiungano le etichette con le quali amichevolmente collaboriamo - soprattutto Rusty Knife (Agen, FR), Kaizoku (Imola), Out Of Control (Milano), One Step (Forlì), Hellnation Store (Roma), ROF (Milano), KOB (Verona), Casual (Nancy, FR), RedStar73 (Barcelona, CAT), FFC (Brest, FR), Fire and Flames (Kiel, DE), Anfibio (Cremona), Nutty Print per le magliette (Siena) ma anche molte altre - e i fedelissimi delle nostre serate ovvero quelle persone che ci ribadiscono ad ogni iniziativa che stiamo facendo qualcosa di buono per la musica, l’attitudine e la Terra che amiamo!

sabato 5 dicembre 2015



OI! - STREET-PUNK - COMBAT and similar
5MDR “Via di qua” Street-Punk/Oi! from Savona
22 LONGS RIFFS “A bout portant” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
AC DECUS “Comme un pavé” Street-Punk/Oi! From Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
ARGIES “Quen despierta” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ARGIES “Click off” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ASHPIPE “Born bad” Combat Punk/Ska from Tortona
ASSERT “Laser tattoo removal service” British Punk from Midlands (ENGLAND)
ASTENSIONE “Distropico riscatto” Street-Punk from Barletta-Andria
ATARASSIA GROP “Non si può fermare il vento” Combat-Punk at its best from Como
ATARASSIA GROP “The old, the bad and the ugly” Greatest hits, rarities, eps etc.. all in an album of the great Combat-Punk band of Como
AUTONOMADS “No mans land” Anarcho Combat Punk Ska influenced from Manchester (ENGLAND)
AUTONOMADS “One day this will all be gone...everything now!” Anarcho Combat Punk Ska influenced from Manchester (ENGLAND)
BANDA DEL RIONE “Ancora in piedi, ancora qua”  anthology of one of the best Italian Oi! band ever! From Torino
BASTA “Non cambierò mai” 80s Oi! from Certaldo (FI)
BLOODPACT “Fino all'ultima goccia” great Oi! From Taranto
BOOTSTROKE / JUNGLE FEVER “Pride of Athens” Oi! Street-Punk from Athens (HELLAS)
BOTTLEJOB “Take it on the chin” British style Oi! from London (ENGLAND)
BRIGATA ALCOLICA “2 agosto 1980” great Oi! from Bologna
BURNT CROSS “Mankind's obituary” Anarcho-Punk from Brighton (ENGLAND)
CERVELLI STANKI “Street rock and roll” Oi! veterans from Savona
CERVELLI STANKI “15 years.. old tunes, new blood” Oi! veterans from Savona
CIURMA SKINS “s/t” Oi! from South Sardinia
DESPERTA FERRO “L'alba d'un nou jorn” Oi! and Street-Punk from Barcelona, best of + DVD live
DIOSFERA CORPORATION “s/t” Street-Punk from Ragusa
DONKEY WORK “Kick up a recket” Oi! From Potsdam (GERMANY)
DUAP “Solo per noi” SPQR-Oi! Legend from Roma
ERODE “Tepo che non ritorna” Combat-Punk legend from Como
ENRAGED MINORITY “Antitude” Street-Punk from Freiburg (GERMANY)
GAVROCHE “Ragazzo come noi” Street-Punk from Torino
GLI ULTIMI “Questi anni” Melodic and really great Street-Punk from Roma zone
GUACAMAYA “Fino all'ultimo bandito” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Il sangue e la polvere” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Come un pugno nello stomaco” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)  
GUILTY BASTARDS “Per te stesso” Oi! From Monza-Brianza
HAINE “...mai più!” a meteor in the Italian Oi! scene but really unforgettable! from Bologna
HELL BEER BOYS “No penses por mi” Street-Punk from Goierri zone (EUSKADI)
HORS CONTROLE “Enfants du charbon” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HORS CONTROLE “L'union fait la force” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HVB “Valstar revenge” Oi! from St. Aubin de Baubigné (FRANCE)
INFAMIA “Decade” Street-Punk from Modena
JESUS SKINS “Nazareth” Christian-Oi! legend from Hamburg (GERMANY)
JESUS SKINS / JEWDRIVER “s/t” when Christian-Oi! of Hamburg (GERMANY) meets Jewish Street-Punk from Oakland (UNITED STATES) 2 bands split
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Larmes au poings” great anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Jusqu'au bout” Anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
KABAL LA REVOLTE “Doujans” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
KATTIVA REPUTAZIONE “Spirito guerriero” Street-Punk from Monza
KIDS OF THE STREETS “Oi! for the rebels” antifascist Oi! from Moskow zone (RUSSIA)
KOMINTERN 43 “Grupos de tormenta” redskin Oi! from Bogotà (COLOMBIA)
LA GACHETTE “Ne renoncera pas” Street-Punk with male and female voices from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
LA THEORIE DU BOXON “Pour un repas riche et pas cher” Anarcho-Punk with male and female voices from Niort (FRANCE)
LAST STRIKE “Delnicky rock” antifascist Oi! from Moravia zone (CZECH REP.)
LES PARTISANS “Style of 1994/2002” Redskins' mix of Combat, Ska, Punk greatest hits of the old French band from Lyon (FRANCE)
LINEA “Revoluzionando” great and hystorical Combat-Rock band from Milano
LOS FASTIDIOS “Contiamo su di voi” one of the best album of the hystorical Antifa Oi! Street-Punk band from Verona
LOS FASTIDIOS “Let's do it” last work of the hystorical Antifa Oi! Street-Punk band from Verona
LUTECE BORGIA “Long live summer” French Oi! veterans form Paris (FRANCE)
MAYDAY “Comme une bombe” Oi! Street-Punk from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
MATA RATOS “Es um homem ou es um rato?” great Street-Punk from Lisboa (PORTUGAL)
MENCER VERMELLO “Krasnii Rassvet” ultra-red Oi! from La Coruna (GALIZA-SPAIN)
NO WHITE RAG “Silence is violence” one of the best Italian Street-Punk band from Modena
NUCLEO TERCO “La comision de la estaca” ultre-red Oi! from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
OVERLOAD “2011” pure British Oi! from Cambridge (ENGLAND)
PEGGIO EMILIA “Anticittadino” Punk-Rock da Reggio Emilia  
PESTPOCKEN “No love for a nation” pure and great Punk from Giessen (GERMANY)
PILSNER OIQUELL “Na zapadni fronte klid” Czech Oi! brewers from Plzen (CZECH REP.)
PRODUZENTEN DER FROIDE “Ready for love” RASH Oi! from Stuttgart (GERMANY)
PUBBLICO OLTRAGGIO / MESS MESS MESS “split” a great Punk-HC from Monza meets a finest Street-Punk from Cesena
RAZOR BOIS “s/t” Russian top antifascist Oi! from Moskow (RUSSIA)
RAZZAPPARTE “Briganti” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
RAZZAPPARTE “Il drago e il leone” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
REAZIONE “L'altra faccia della riviera + Indelebile” 2 great works in an album for the Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini
REAZIONE “Best of” anthology of the veteran Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini
RPG7 “En tu ciuidad” red Oi!-Core from Madrid zone (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
SENZA FRONTIERE “Non c'è futuro senza memoria” Street-Punk from Milano
STAGE BOTTLES “Power of revenge” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
STAGE BOTTLES “Fair enough” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
STREETS OF RAGE “East side pirates” Oi! Street-Punk from Nancy (FRANCE)
THE 80's “Alta tensione VOL.I” Italian hystorical 80s Oi! songs really well covered from Roma zone
THE 80's “ Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
THE OPPRESSED “Antifa hooligans” SHARP Oi! legends from Cardiff (WALES)
THE REBEL SPELL “It's a beautiful future” really great Punk-Rock from Vancouver (CANADA)
ULTIMA RIPRESA “1° round..wanna fight?” Oi!/Street-Punk from Torino
V/A “Class pride world wide 2” second compil. made Insurgence Rec. Canada with Prowlers, Bolchoi, Angelic Upstarts, Garotos Podres, Analogs and many more (21 international bands)
V/A “Compilation benefit for Torpedos Torino” compil. Benefit for Torpedos crew almost all the best Italian Oi! bands in activity + Non Servium, Opcio K-95 and Adversion (26 mostly Italian bands)
V/A “Fuck fascism before it fucks you” a tribute to The Oppressed with Bull Brigade, Prowlers, Freiboiter, Stage Bottles and many more performing The Oppressed's songs (18 international bands)
V/A “Hate/love” the definitive 80s Punk and Oi! collection! with Kina, Peggio Punx, Impact, Nabat, Eu's Arse, Fun, Rappresaglia, Negazione etc.. (45 Italian bands, 2 Cds, 50pages booklet)
V/A “No repression” benefit compilation with The Oppressed, Youngang, Razzapparte, Spina nel Fianco, Suspenders and many more (23 mostly Italian bands / Zerocalcare's cover design)
V/A “Oi! siamo ancora qui” reprint of a great last-80s Oi! compil. with Asociale, Ghetto84, Rough, Klasse Kriminale, Nabat, The Stab and many more, also rarity (19 Italian Oi! Bands)
V/A “Rock aganist Silvio” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock, Ska-Punk, Oi!, HCM bands (52 bands - 2CD)
V/A “Streets of America” compilation of American Oi!, Punk and HC bands (18 American bands)
V/A “Start the fire” compilation of mainly German Street-Punk (15 bands – 30 songs)
V/A “The explosion of punk VOL. 3” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock bands (47 Italian bands - 2CD)
V/A “This is high voltage VOL. 1” compilation of French Punk bands of 90s-00s (25 French bands)
V/A “United Skins” RASH compilation with Opcio-K95, Los Fastidios, Blaggers ITA, Stage Bottles, Atarassia Grop, Zartako and many more (25 international bands)
VINDICATE THIS “Stronger than yesterday” Street-Punk from Malmö (SWEDEN)
YOUNGANG “Canzoni ribelli” 6 great anarchist Italian popular songs both original and reinterpreted by the great Street-Punk band from Torino

HARDCORE - PUNK-HC and similar
AFFLUENTE “Il sogno della merce” one of the best Italian Punk-HC bands ever from Ascoli and Teramo (2CDs anthology)
ASSEDIO/CRUEL REVENGE “s/t” Punk-HC from Viterbo (2 bands split)
AZRAEL “Rehellity” English speaking great Punk-HC from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
CGB “Morte di un microfono” HC veterans from Imperia
CONGEGNO “s/t” Punk-HC from Trento
DCP “Voiceless” HC from Brescia  
GTA (GRAND THEFT AGE) “We come from your hell” HC meets Street-Punk from Roma
I FUZONI “s/t” Punk-HC from Imola
MAI “Nausea” Punk-HC from Verona
PAYBACK “Usque ad finem” Old School NYHC style from Roma
PROTERVIA “Nuestra esquela” antifascist brutal HC from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
RAW POWER “Fuck Authority” really ALL you can hear from the legend of Italian HC-Punk from Reggio Emilia area (2CD more than 80songs)
REBELDE “Fratelli di sangue” one of the best bands Romagna has ever seen.. Street-Punk/HC from Forlì
SEXSAINTS “A new drug” finest Punk-HC from Roma
STANDING STRONG “Oro e merda” Old School HC from Torino
STRANGEDZ “Lieto fine”Punk-HC from Grosseto
SZ.RIBALTA “Di po di” Punk-HC from South Sardinia
TOEDGEIN “Shell Rock” Old School HC from Olbia  
THE FOURTH SIN “Anger” HC from Roma
ZARTAKO “Sangre por sangre” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)
ZARTAKO “Primero nosotros” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)

LAFURIA! “s/t” all stars band performing a great Rap-HC with several featurings, from Rome zone
MONTELUPO “Il canzoniere anarchico” traditional Italian anarchist songs re-issued with a great and various folky sound from Roma zone SOLD OUT!
MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE “Hoods up” militant HC-Rap from Moscow (RUSSIA)
MR. IRISH BASTARD “Fortune & Glory” great Irish Folk-Rock from Münster (GERMANY)
ROYAL SHAMROCK “Advance and retire” Irish Folk-Rock from Tokyo (JAPAN)
SANG MÊLE “En toute sincérité” great antifascist Militant Rap from Limonges (FRANCE)  
SERPE IN SENO “Carne” great Militant Rap from Roma   SOLD OUT!
THE WAKES “The red and the green” antifascist Irish Folk-Rock form Glasgow (SCOTLAND)   SOLD OUT!

SKA - REGGAE - SOUL - SKA-PUNK and similar
65 MINES STREET “Fix the clock” 2 Tone, Ska from Audincourt (FRANCE)  
AGGRESSORS BC “The tones of the times” great Ska and 2 tone from Belfast (NORTHERN IRELAND)
ASKULTURA “You stank, we skank” Ska mixed with everything form Miami (UNITED STATES)
ASKULTURA “Ten strong superpunk skarantella reggae rumba fury” eclectic multiple styles Ska singing in several languages (dialect of Neaples too!) from Miami (UNITED STATES)
BOBBY SIXKILLER “Lonely road” Reggae and Soul from Nancy (FRANCE)
CANTINERO “Resta a ballare” Ska and 2 Tone from Milano zone
LA FAMILIA TORELLI “Beyond organic” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)
NH3 “Eroi senza volto” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro
NH3 “Rise Up” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro
OBRINT PAS “Benvingut al paradis” Ska, Ska-Punk and traditional Catalan music from Valencia (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)
QUARTIER LIBRE “Live, speed and kalarlak” Ska, 2 Tone, Ska-Punk, Oi!, Punk.. anything! but well made! From Sedan (FRANCE)
REDSKA “Le mie prigioni” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì
REDSKA “La rivolta” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì
SALLY BROWN “El sonido de manana...hoy!!” Ska, Two-Tone from Madrid (SPAIN)  
SKARFACE “Mythic enemy # 1” great Ska and 2 Tone from the hystorical band from Paris (FRANCE)
THE BANKROBBERS “Folgen” 2 tone Ska from Lucca  
THE MIGHTY FISHERS “Soul garden” finest Rocksteady and Early Reggae from Budapest (HUNGARY)
THE OFFENDERS “Action reaction” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Anthems for the gutter” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Shots screems and broken dreams” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OROBIANS “Anniversary album” anthology of this Ska legend from Bergamo
THE XPLOSIONS “A little way different” Early Reggae form London (ENGLAND)
THORPEDIANS “Maximum hard reggae from the top” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)


AUT AUT “Musica di periferia” re-issuing of this great album of the hystorical punk band from Roma
THE 80's “Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
BANDA BASSOTTI “Vecchi cani bastardi” the best Combat-Ska band in Italy. Nothing more, nothing less. From Rome
BRIGADA FLORES MAGON “Tout pour tous” one of the best RASH band in France, Oi! 'n Roll 'n Ska from Paris (FRANCE)
BRIXTON CATS “Quartier maudit” one of the greatest RASH Punk-Rock band of France and one of the best female voice ever! From Paris (FRANCE)
BLACK STAR DUB COLLECTIVE “Vampire” Reggae-Dub from Manchester (ENGLAND)
CONTRASTO “Statico senso” heroes of Romagna Punk-Hc limited edition full lenght album! From Cesena
CONTRASTO / KALASHNIKOV “Come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata” great Punk-Hc in light blue vinyl from Cesena and Milano (10”)
CONTRASTO / NAGASAKI NIGHTMARE “Rabbia trafigge immobile resa” Punk-HC from Cesena meets Crust-Core from Bari
DALTON “Come stai?” a new and great Oi!'n'Roll from Roma
GHETTO 84 “A denti stretti” re-issuing of the hystorical album of this great 80s Bologna Oi! band
GLI ULTIMI “Storie di un posto qualunque” Melodic and really great Street-Punk from Roma zone
GOZZILLA E LE TRE BAMBINE COI BAFFI “Finchè non creperò” last work of the great Punk Rock'n'Roll band from Aprilia (LT)
KLAXON / GLI ULTIMI “Anime corsare” the story and the best new band of Italian Punk share a TNT LP! From Rome zone
MESS MESS MESS “Could you bet...” one of the best Punk band ever seen in Romagna from Cesena
OPCIO-K95 “Reneix” last work of the best Oi! Band from Catalunya! Independentism and socialism from Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)
PAT ATHO “Lima sorda” first really impressive work of this great Punk-Songwriter
PUNTAS DE ACERO “Decada de decadencia” pure Oi! from Mendoza (ARGENTINA)
RETAQUE / DEMASIADOS ENEMIGOS “Southamerican-Europe connection” Oi!/Street-Punk from Quito (ECUADOR) and Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN) 2 bands split
SKARMENTO “Afia os cotenos” Punk-Rock from GALIZA-SPAIN (10”)
TEAR ME DOWN “Il tempo cambia” last album of the great Punk-HC band from Viterbo

AFFLUENTE / CONTRASTO “Insurrezione” 2 of the best Italian Punk-HC band from Ascoli-Teramo and Cesena
BECAUSE THE BEAN “Indifferenza nera” great Punk-Hardcore from Parma
CONTRASTO / LE TORMENTA “La poesia è azione” Romagna top Punk-HC from Cesena and Forlì
MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE / WHAT WE FEEL “s/t” really amazing Rap-HC and Punk-HC from Moscow (RUSSIA)
PULLMANX “E' tutta colpa vostra” Punk rarity from Pesaro
TOMATO ROTTEN “Hei! Papa” great Old Style Punk rarity from Cattolica (RN)

N.RONDINELLI “Ribelli, Sociali e Romantici” un interessantissimo sguardo sul FC S.Pauli e la sua tifoseria
ZEROCALCARE “La profezia dell'armadillo 8bit” ristampa colorata del primissimo fumetto di Zerocalcare
ZEROCALCARE “Dodici” storia a fumetti dell'autore rivelazione ma pur sempre dei nostri!
ZEROCALCARE “Dimentica il mio nome” storia a fumetti dell'autore rivelazione ma pur sempre dei nostri!
ZEROCALCARE “L'elenco telefonico degli accolli” ultimo edito del nostro grande fumettista!

mercoledì 28 ottobre 2015



OI! - STREET-PUNK - COMBAT and similar

5MDR “Via di qua” Street-Punk/Oi! from Savona
06 SKINS “Roma la bulla” Oi! from Roma
22 LONGS RIFFS “A bout portant” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
AC DECUS “Comme un pavé” Street-Punk/Oi! From Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
ARGIES “Quen despierta” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ARGIES “Click off” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ASHPIPE “Born bad” Combat Punk/Ska from Tortona
ASSERT “Laser tattoo removal service” British Punk from Midlands (ENGLAND)
ASTENSIONE “Distropico riscatto” Street-Punk from Barletta-Andria
ATARASSIA GROP “Non si può fermare il vento” Combat-Punk at its best from Como
ATARASSIA GROP “The old, the bad and the ugly” Greatest hits, rarities, eps etc.. all in an album of the great Combat-Punk band of Como
AUTONOMADS “No mans land” Anarcho Combat Punk Ska influenced from Manchester (ENGLAND)
AUTONOMADS “One day this will all be gone...everything now!” Anarcho Combat Punk Ska influenced from Manchester (ENGLAND)
BASTA “Non cambierò mai” 80s Oi! from Certaldo (FI)
BLOODPACT "Fino all'ultima goccia" great Oi! from Taranto
BOOTSTROKE / JUNGLE FEVER “Pride of Athens” Oi! Street-Punk from Athens (HELLAS)
BOTTLEJOB “Take it on the chin” British style Oi! from London (ENGLAND)
BRIGATA ALCOLICA “2 agosto 1980” great Oi! from Bologna
BURNT CROSS “Mankind's obituary” Anarcho-Punk from Brighton (ENGLAND)
CERVELLI STANKI “Street rock and roll” Oi! veterans from Savona
CERVELLI STANKI “15 years.. old tunes, new blood” Oi! veterans from Savona
CIURMA SKINS “s/t” Oi! from South Sardinia
DESPERTA FERRO “L'alba d'un nou jorn” Oi! and Street-Punk from Barcelona, best of + DVD live
DIOSFERA CORPORATION “s/t” Street-Punk from Ragusa
DONKEY WORK “Kick up a recket” Oi! From Potsdam (GERMANY)
DUAP “Solo per noi” SPQR-Oi! Legend from Roma
ERODE “Tepo che non ritorna” Combat-Punk legend from Como
ENRAGED MINORITY “Antitude” Street-Punk from Freiburg (GERMANY)
GAVROCHE “Ragazzo come noi” Street-Punk from Torino
GAVROCHE “Spettatori di distruzione” Street-Punk from Torino
GLI ULTIMI “Questi anni” Melodic and really great Street-Punk from Roma zone
GUACAMAYA “Fino all'ultimo bandito” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Il sangue e la polvere” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Come un pugno nello stomaco” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUILTY BASTARDS “Per te stesso” Oi! From Monza-Brianza
HELL BEER BOYS “No penses por mi” Street-Punk from Goierri zone (EUSKADI)
HORS CONTROLE “Enfants du charbon” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HORS CONTROLE “L'union fait la force” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HVB “Valstar revenge” Oi! from St. Aubin de Baubigné (FRANCE)
INFAMIA “Decade” Street-Punk from Modena
JESUS SKINS “Nazareth” Christian-Oi! legend from Hamburg (GERMANY)
JESUS SKINS / JEWDRIVER “s/t” when Christian-Oi! of Hamburg (GERMANY) meets Jewish Street-Punk from Oakland (UNITED STATES) 2 bands split
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Larmes au poings” great anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Jusqu'au bout” Anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
KABAL LA REVOLTE “Doujans” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
KATTIVA REPUTAZIONE “Spirito guerriero” Street-Punk from Monza
KIDS OF THE STREETS “Oi! for the rebels” antifascist Oi! from Moskow zone (RUSSIA)
KOMINTERN 43 “Grupos de tormenta” redskin Oi! from Bogotà (COLOMBIA)
LA GACHETTE “Ne renoncera pas” Street-Punk with male and female voices from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
LA THEORIE DU BOXON “Pour un repas riche et pas cher” Anarcho-Punk with male and female voices from Niort (FRANCE)
LAST STRIKE “Delnicky rock” antifascist Oi! from Moravia zone (CZECH REP.)
LES PARTISANS “Style of 1994/2002” Redskins' mix of Combat, Ska, Punk greatest hits of the old French band from Lyon (FRANCE)
LINEA “Revoluzionando” great and hystorical Combat-Rock band from Milano
LOS FASTIDIOS “Contiamo su di voi” one of the best album of the hystorical Antifa Oi! Street-Punk band from Verona
LOS FASTIDIOS “Let's do it” last work of the hystorical Antifa Oi! Street-Punk band from Verona
LUTECE BORGIA “Long live summer” French Oi! veterans form Paris (FRANCE)
MAYDAY “Comme une bombe” Oi! Street-Punk from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
MATA RATOS “Es um homem ou es um rato?” great Street-Punk from Lisboa (PORTUGAL)
MENCER VERMELLO “Krasnii Rassvet” ultra-red Oi! from La Coruna (GALIZA-SPAIN)
NO WHITE RAG “Silence is violence” one of the best Italian Street-Punk band from Modena
NUCLEO TERCO “La comision de la estaca” ultre-red Oi! from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
OVERLOAD “2011” pure British Oi! from Cambridge (ENGLAND)
PEGGIO EMILIA “Anticittadino” Punk-Rock da Reggio Emilia
PESTPOCKEN “No love for a nation” pure and great Punk from Giessen (GERMANY)
PILSNER OIQUELL “Na zapadni fronte klid” Czech Oi! brewers from Plzen (CZECH REP.)
PRODUZENTEN DER FROIDE “Ready for love” RASH Oi! from Stuttgart (GERMANY)
PUBBLICO OLTRAGGIO / MESS MESS MESS “split” a great Punk-HC from Monza meets a finest Street-Punk from Cesena
RAZOR BOIS “s/t” Russian top antifascist Oi! from Moskow (RUSSIA)
RAZZAPPARTE “Briganti” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
RAZZAPPARTE “Il drago e il leone” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
REAZIONE “L'altra faccia della riviera + Indelebile” 2 great works in an album for the Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini
REAZIONE “Best of” anthology of the veteran Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini
RPG7 “En tu ciuidad” red Oi!-Core from Madrid zone (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
SENZA FRONTIERE “Non c'è futuro senza memoria” Street-Punk from Milano
STAGE BOTTLES “Power of revenge” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
STAGE BOTTLES “Fair enough” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
STREETS OF RAGE “East side pirates” Oi! Street-Punk from Nancy (FRANCE)
THE 80's “Alta tensione VOL.I” Italian hystorical 80s Oi! songs really well covered from Roma zone
THE 80's “ Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
THE OPPRESSED “Antifa hooligans” SHARP Oi! legends from Cardiff (WALES)
ULTIMA RIPRESA “1° round..wanna fight?” Oi!/Street-Punk from Torino
V/A “Class pride world wide 2” second compil. made Insurgence Rec. Canada with Prowlers, Bolchoi, Angelic Upstarts, Garotos Podres, Analogs and many more (21 international bands)
V/A “Compilation benefit for Torpedos Torino” compil. Benefit for Torpedos crew almost all the best Italian Oi! bands in activity + Non Servium, Opcio K-95 and Adversion (26 mostly Italian bands)
V/A “Fuck fascism before it fucks you” a tribute to The Oppressed with Bull Brigade, Prowlers, Freiboiter, Stage Bottles and many more performing The Oppressed's songs (18 international bands)
V/A “Hate/love” the definitive 80s Punk and Oi! collection! with Kina, Peggio Punx, Impact, Nabat, Eu's Arse, Fun, Rappresaglia, Negazione etc.. (45 Italian bands, 2 Cds, 50pages booklet)
V/A “No repression” benefit compilation with The Oppressed, Youngang, Razzapparte, Spina nel Fianco, Suspenders and many more (23 mostly Italian bands / Zerocalcare's cover design)
V/A “Oi! siamo ancora qui” reprint of a great last-80s Oi! compil. with Asociale, Ghetto84, Rough, Klasse Kriminale, Nabat, The Stab and many more, also rarity (19 Italian Oi! Bands)
V/A “Rock aganist Silvio” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock, Ska-Punk, Oi!, HCM bands (52 bands - 2CD)
V/A “Streets of America” compilation of American Oi!, Punk and HC bands (18 American bands)
V/A “Start the fire” compilation of mainly German Street-Punk (15 bands – 30 songs)
V/A “The explosion of punk VOL. 3” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock bands (47 Italian bands - 2CD)
V/A “This is high voltage VOL. 1” compilation of French Punk bands of 90s-00s (25 French bands)
V/A “United Skins” RASH compilation with Opcio-K95, Los Fastidios, Blaggers ITA, Stage Bottles, Atarassia Grop, Zartako and many more (25 international bands)
VINDICATE THIS “Stronger than yesterday” Street-Punk from Malmö (SWEDEN)

HARDCORE - PUNK-HC and similar

AFFLUENTE “Il sogno della merce” one of the best Italian Punk-HC bands ever from Ascoli and Teramo (2CDs anthology)
ASSEDIO/CRUEL REVENGE “s/t” Punk-HC from Viterbo (2 bands split)
AZRAEL “Rehellity” English speaking great Punk-HC from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
CGB “Morte di un microfono” HC veterans from Imperia
CONGEGNO “s/t” Punk-HC from Trento
DCP “Voiceless” HC from Brescia
GTA (GRAND THEFT AGE) “We come from your hell” HC meets Street-Punk from Roma
I FUZONI “s/t” Punk-HC from Imola
MAI “Nausea” Punk-HC from Verona
PAYBACK “Usque ad finem” Old School NYHC style from Roma
PROTERVIA “Nuestra esquela” antifascist brutal HC from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
RAW POWER “Fuck Authority” really ALL you can hear from the legend of Italian HC-Punk from …? (2CD more than 80songs)
REBELDE “Fratelli di sangue” one of the best bands Romagna has ever seen.. Street-Punk/HC from Forlì
SEXSAINTS “A new drug” finest Punk-HC from Roma
STANDING STRONG “Oro e merda” Old School HC from Torino
STRANGEDZ “Lieto fine”Punk-HC from Grosseto
SZ.RIBALTA “Di po di” Punk-HC from South Sardinia
TOEDGEIN “Shell Rock” Old School HC from Olbia
THE FOURTH SIN “Anger” HC from Roma
ZARTAKO “Sangre por sangre” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)
ZARTAKO “Primero nosotros” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)


LAFURIA! “s/t” all stars band performing a great Rap-HC with several featurings, from Rome zone
MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE “Hoods up” militant HC-Rap from Moscow (RUSSIA)
MR. IRISH BASTARD “Fortune & Glory” great Irish Folk-Rock from Münster (GERMANY)
ROYAL SHAMROCK “Advance and retire” Irish Folk-Rock from Tokyo (JAPAN)
SANG MÊLE “En toute sincérité” great antifascist Militant Rap from Limonges (FRANCE)

SKA - REGGAE - SOUL - SKA-PUNK and similar 

65 MINES STREET “Fix the clock” 2 Tone, Ska from Audincourt (FRANCE)
AGGRESSORS BC “The tones of the times” great Ska and 2 tone from Belfast (NORTHERN IRELAND)
ASKULTURA “You stank, we skank” Ska mixed with everything form Miami (UNITED STATES)
ASKULTURA “Ten strong superpunk skarantella reggae rumba fury” eclectic multiple styles Ska singing in several languages (dialect of Neaples too!) from Miami (UNITED STATES)
BOBBY SIXKILLER “Lonely road” Reggae and Soul from Nancy (FRANCE)
CANTINERO “Resta a ballare” Ska and 2 Tone from Milano zone
LA FAMILIA TORELLI “Beyond organic” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)
NH3 “Eroi senza volto” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro
NH3 “Rise Up” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro
QUARTIER LIBRE “Live, speed and kalarlak” Ska, 2 Tone, Ska-Punk, Oi!, Punk.. anything! but well made! From Sedan (FRANCE)
REDSKA “Le mie prigioni” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì
REDSKA “La rivolta” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì
SALLY BROWN “El sonido de manana...hoy!!” Ska, Two-Tone from Madrid (SPAIN)
SKARFACE “Mythic enemy # 1” great Ska and 2 Tone from the hystorical band from Paris (FRANCE)
THE BANKROBBERS “Our times” 2 tone Ska from Lucca
THE BANKROBBERS “Folgen” 2 tone Ska from Lucca
THE MIGHTY FISHERS “Soul garden” finest Rocksteady and Early Reggae from Budapest (HUNGARY)
THE OFFENDERS “Action reaction” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Anthems for the gutter” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Shots screems and broken dreams” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OROBIANS “Anniversary album” anthology of this Ska legend from Bergamo
THE XPLOSIONS “A little way different” Early Reggae form London (ENGLAND)
THORPEDIANS “Maximum hard reggae from the top” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)



AUT AUT “Musica di periferia” re-issuing of this great album of the hystorical punk band from Roma
THE 80's “Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
BANDA BASSOTTI “Vecchi cani bastardi” the best Combat-Ska band in Italy. Nothing more, nothing less. From Rome
BRIGADA FLORES MAGON “Tout pour tous” one of the best RASH band in France, Oi! 'n Roll 'n Ska from Paris (FRANCE)
BLACK STAR DUB COLLECTIVE “Vampire” Reggae-Dub from Manchester (ENGLAND)
CONTRASTO “Statico senso” heroes of Romagna Punk-Hc limited edition full lenght album! From Cesena
CONTRASTO / KALASHNIKOV “Come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata” great Punk-Hc in light blue vinyl from Cesena and Milano (10”)
CONTRASTO / NAGASAKI NIGHTMARE “Rabbia trafigge immobile resa” Punk-HC from Cesena meets Crust-Core from Bari
DALTON “Come stai?” a new and great Oi!'n'Roll from Roma
GHETTO 84 “A denti stretti” re-issuing of the hystorical album of this great 80s Bologna Oi! band
GLI ULTIMI “Storie di un posto qualunque” Melodic and really great Street-Punk from Roma zone
KLAXON / GLI ULTIMI “Anime corsare” the story and the best new band of Italian Punk share a TNT LP! From Rome zone
MESS MESS MESS “Could you bet...” one of the best Punk band ever seen in Romagna from Cesena
PAT ATHO “Lima sorda” first really impressive work of this great Punk-Songwriter
PUNTAS DE ACERO “Decada de decadencia” pure Oi! from Mendoza (ARGENTINA)
RETAQUE / DEMASIADOS ENEMIGOS “Southamerican-Europe connection” Oi!/Street-Punk from Quito (ECUADOR) and Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN) 2 bands split
SKARMENTO “Afia os cotenos” Punk-Rock from GALIZA-SPAIN (10”)


AFFLUENTE / CONTRASTO “Insurrezione” 2 of the best Italian Punk-HC band from Ascoli-Teramo and Cesena
BECAUSE THE BEAN “Indifferenza nera” great Punk-Hardcore from Parma
CONTRASTO / LE TORMENTA “La poesia è azione” Romagna top Punk-HC from Cesena and Forlì
FUN / GOZZILLA E LE TRE BAMBINE COI BAFFI “Chi non muore si rivede”  new split EP of 2 of the best and hystorical bands of Italy from Rome and Aprilia
NABAT / COLONNA INFAME “Ti sei fermato ad ascoltare?” split EP among the best Oi! bands of 80s and of 90s.. from Bologna and Rome
PULLMANX “E' tutta colpa vostra” Punk rarity from Pesaro
TOMATO ROTTEN “Hei! Papa” great Old Style Punk rarity from Cattolica (RN)
PLAKKAGGIO “C.D.G.” last work of the great Oi!-Hc-Metal blasphemy band from Colleferro (RM)


N.RONDINELLI “Ribelli, Sociali e Romantici” un interessantissimo sguardo sul FC S.Pauli e la sua tifoseria
ZEROCALCARE “Dodici” storia a fumetti dell'autore rivelazione ma pur sempre dei nostri!
ZEROCALCARE “Dimentica il mio nome” storia a fumetti dell'autore rivelazione ma pur sempre dei nostri!
ZEROCALCARE “L'elenco telefonico degli accolli” ultimo edito del nostro grande fumettista!

TUTTO il materiale distribuito e prodotto è frutto di COOPERAZIONI, SCAMBI, ACQUISTI SOLO ED ESCLUSIVAMENTE A GRUPPI ED ETICHETTE INDIPENDENTI fedeli alla dottrina dell' AUTOPRODUZIONE e del D.I.Y. e/o comunque ESTRANEI ALLE LEGGI DI MERCATO. OGNI CENTESIMO che non ci serve a coprire le spese (che per altro non saranno mai completamente coperte) sarà utilizzato PER AIUTARE ALTRE BAND A FARE USCIRE IL PROPRIO DISCO.. MAGARI ANCHE ALLA TUA! QUINDI SOSTIENICI BRUTTO PATACCA! PERCHE' SOSTENENDO NOI SOSTIENI UNA SCENA MUSICALE LIBERA E DI PURA PASSIONE! PER INFO: o vai su feisbuc da bravo giovane moderno e cerca RUMAGNA SGROZA e chiedici l'amicizia

martedì 27 ottobre 2015


RS001  ENNECIBBI “Il giorno verrà” Oi! Rome-Style from Modena/Roma  SOLD OUT
RS002  THE MOTIVATED “Dentro di te” Street-Punk and Oi! from Pinarella (RA)
RS003  GOT RANDOM WALK “We'll come again to your doors doing..” Crossover from Bassa Romagna zone (RA)
RS004  BOMBER80 “Cambia il vento” Oi! from Firenze  SOLD OUT
RS005  GLI ULTIMI “Storie da un posto qualunque” Street-Punk from Roma zone   SOLD OUT
RS006  SCORMA “Melena lacrime e piombo” Combat Street-Punk from Forlì zone  SOLD OUT
RS007  TURN AGAINST “Morte accidentale” Punk-HC from Comacchio (FE)
RS008  PLAKKAGGIO HC “Approdo” Oi!-HC-Metal from Colleferro (RM)  SOLD OUT
RS009  C4 “Congestione Mentale” Combat Rock from Oristano (SARDINIA)  SOLD OUT
RS010  M.N.S. “Ancorati alla vita” Street-Punk from Palermo
RS011  RUGGINE “Apocalisse” Old School HC from Milano
RS012  WOODY CUNTS “Motherfuckers” Oi!-'n-Roll from Napoli SOLD OUT
RS013  NOBODY'S FOOL “Wintering” Punk-Rock from GALIZA-SPAIN
RS014  SKARMENTO “Afia os cotenos” Punk-Rock from GALIZA-SPAIN
RS016  STESSO SPORCO SANGUE “s/t” Street-Punk from Palermo
RS018  5MDR “La prospettiva del conflitto” Oi! Street-Punk from Savona
RS019  GLORY POINT / NACIDOS DEL ODIO “Oi! It's a World invasion” SPLIT Oi! from Jakarta (INDONESIA) / Oi! from G.A.Madero (MEXICO)
RS021  FECCIA ROSSA “Lotta per la tua vita” Oi! Street-Punk from Verona
RS022  REJECTS S/A / STA PREST BOYS “Oi! It's a world invasion vol. 2” SPLIT Oi! from Sao Bento (BRAZIL) / Oi! from Bintaro (INDONESIA)
RS023  LUCHASKALIENTES “Maledetto positivismo” Combat-Ska from Filottrano (AN)
RS024  LA SVOLTA “Giuda” Punk-Hardcore dalla provincia di Ravenna
RS025  GUACAMAYA “Without people we are nothing” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
RS026  ZEMAN “Attitudine offensiva” Football Oi! from Bologna
RS027  MOSSIN NAGANT “s/t” Redskins' Oi! From Vitoria/Gasteiz (EUSKAL HERRIA-SPAIN)
RS028  BALOTTA CONTINUA “Notte d'inferno per i residenti” Political Song-Ska from Bologna
RS029  SHAMELESS “s/t” Punk-HC from Cosenza
RS030  NO PROVE "Via senza ritorno" Punk-Hc from Viterbo
RS031  HUARACA ORKESTRA "s/t" Ska, Reggae, Ska-Punk prov. Ravenna
RS032  SENZA FRONTIERE "Non sapremo di noi!" Oi! Street-Punk from Milano
RS034  BAD REVENGE "Il tuo destino" Hard-Oi! da Varese
RS036  VV/AA "Int la strê - Un sorso di Romagna" the anthology of Street Music in Romagna region from 80s till now 2CD
RS033  AFFLUENTE / FECCIA TRICOLORE “s/t” SPLIT Punk-HC from Teramo-Ascoli / Punk-HC from Palermo
RS035  TUMULTO "Riflesso incondizionato" Punk-HC from Forlì
7” EP
RS015  FECCIA ROSSA / SENZA FRONTIERE “s/t” SPLIT Oi! Street-Punk from Milano zone / Oi! from Verona   SOLD OUT
RS017  UGUAGLIANZA / ULTIMA RIPRESA “s/t” SPLIT Oi! Street-Punk from Savona / Oi! Street-Punk from Torino  SOLD OUT
RS020  LA PROSPETTIVA / TUMULTO “s/t” SPLIT Punk-HC from Cesena / Punk-HC from Forlì zone

Seguono copertine delle nostre cooproduzioni. Siamo sempre disponibili a scambi, se interessati a qualcosa mandate la vostra lista scambi a o in pvt a: - Here follows the covers of our co-productions. We always welcome exchanges, if you are interested in something let send your list to or in pvt to:

AVAILABLE: OK to exchanges - LAST COPIES: ASK maybe 1-2 copies are still available - SOLD OUT: ...sold out!



sabato 21 marzo 2015



OI! - STREET-PUNK - COMBAT and similar
5MDR “Via di qua” Street-Punk/Oi! from Savona
06 SKINS “Roma la bulla” Oi! from Roma
22 LONGS RIFFS “A bout portant” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
AC DECUS “Comme un pavé” Street-Punk/Oi! From Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
ARGIES “Quen despierta” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ARGIES “Click off” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ASHPIPE “Born bad” Combat Punk/Ska from Tortona
ASSERT “Laser tattoo removal service” British Punk from Midlands (ENGLAND)
ASTENSIONE “Distropico riscatto” Street-Punk from Barletta-Andria
ATARASSIA GROP “Non si può fermare il vento” Combat-Punk at its best from Como
ATARASSIA GROP “The old, the bad and the ugly” Greatest hits, rarities, eps etc.. all in an album of the great Combat-Punk band of Como
AUTONOMADS “No mans land” Anarcho Combat Punk Ska influenced from Manchester (ENGLAND)
AUTONOMADS “One day this will all be gone...everything now!” Anarcho Combat Punk Ska influenced from Manchester (ENGLAND)
BASTA “Non cambierò mai” 80s Oi! from Certaldo (FI)
BOOTSTROKE / JUNGLE FEVER “Pride of Athens” Oi! Street-Punk from Athens (HELLAS)
BOTTLEJOB “Take it on the chin” British style Oi! from London (ENGLAND)
BRIGATA ALCOLICA “2 agosto 1980” great Oi! from Bologna
BURNT CROSS “Mankind's obituary” Anarcho-Punk from Brighton (ENGLAND)
CERVELLI STANKI “Street rock and roll” Oi! veterans from Savona
CERVELLI STANKI “15 years.. old tunes, new blood” Oi! veterans from Savona
CIURMA SKINS “s/t” Oi! from South Sardinia
DESPERTA FERRO “L'alba d'un nou jorn” Oi! and Street-Punk from Barcelona, best of + DVD live
DIOSFERA CORPORATION “s/t” Street-Punk from Ragusa
DONKEY WORK “Kick up a recket” Oi! From Potsdam (GERMANY)
DUAP “Solo per noi” SPQR-Oi! Legend from Roma
ERODE “Tepo che non ritorna” Combat-Punk legend from Como
ENRAGED MINORITY “Antitude” Street-Punk from Freiburg (GERMANY)
GAVROCHE “Ragazzo come noi” Street-Punk from Torino
GAVROCHE “Spettatori di distruzione” Street-Punk from Torino
GLI ULTIMI “Questi anni” Melodic and really great Street-Punk from Roma zone
GUACAMAYA “Fino all'ultimo bandito” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Il sangue e la polvere” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Come un pugno nello stomaco” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)  
GUILTY BASTARDS “Per te stesso” Oi! From Monza-Brianza
HELL BEER BOYS “No penses por mi” Street-Punk from Goierri zone (EUSKADI)
HORS CONTROLE “Enfants du charbon” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HORS CONTROLE “L'union fait la force” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HVB “Valstar revenge” Oi! from St. Aubin de Baubigné (FRANCE)
INFAMIA “Decade” Street-Punk from Modena
JESUS SKINS “Nazareth” Christian-Oi! legend from Hamburg (GERMANY)
JESUS SKINS / JEWDRIVER “s/t” when Christian-Oi! of Hamburg (GERMANY) meets Jewish Street-Punk from Oakland (UNITED STATES) 2 bands split
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Larmes au poings” great anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Jusqu'au bout” Anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
KABAL LA REVOLTE “Doujans” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
KATTIVA REPUTAZIONE “Spirito guerriero” Street-Punk from Monza
KIDS OF THE STREETS “Oi! for the rebels” antifascist Oi! from Moskow zone (RUSSIA)
KOMINTERN 43 “Grupos de tormenta” redskin Oi! from Bogotà (COLOMBIA)
LA GACHETTE “Ne renoncera pas” Street-Punk with male and female voices from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
LA THEORIE DU BOXON “Pour un repas riche et pas cher” Anarcho-Punk with male and female voices from Niort (FRANCE)
LAST STRIKE “Delnicky rock” antifascist Oi! from Moravia zone (CZECH REP.)
LES PARTISANS “Style of 1994/2002” Redskins' mix of Combat, Ska, Punk greatest hits of the old French band from Lyon (FRANCE)
LINEA “Revoluzionando” great and hystorical Combat-Rock band from Milano
LOS FASTIDIOS “Contiamo su di voi” one of the best album of the hystorical Antifa Oi! Street-Punk band from Verona
LUTECE BORGIA “Long live summer” French Oi! veterans form Paris (FRANCE)
MAYDAY “Comme une bombe” Oi! Street-Punk from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
MATA RATOS “Es um homem ou es um rato?” great Street-Punk from Lisboa (PORTUGAL)
MENCER VERMELLO “Krasnii Rassvet” ultra-red Oi! from La Coruna (GALIZA-SPAIN)
NO WHITE RAG “Silence is violence” one of the best Italian Street-Punk band from Modena
NUCLEO TERCO “La comision de la estaca” ultre-red Oi! from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
OVERLOAD “2011” pure British Oi! from Cambridge (ENGLAND)
PEGGIO EMILIA “Anticittadino” Punk-Rock da Reggio Emilia  
PESTPOCKEN “No love for a nation” pure and great Punk from Giessen (GERMANY)
PILSNER OIQUELL “Na zapadni fronte klid” Czech Oi! brewers from Plzen (CZECH REP.)
PRODUZENTEN DER FROIDE “Ready for love” RASH Oi! from Stuttgart (GERMANY)
RAZOR BOIS “s/t” Russian top antifascist Oi! from Moskow (RUSSIA)
RAZZAPPARTE “Briganti” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
RAZZAPPARTE “Il drago e il leone” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
REAZIONE “L'altra faccia della riviera + Indelebile” 2 great works in an album for the Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini
REAZIONE “Best of” anthology of the veteran Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini
RPG7 “En tu ciuidad” red Oi!-Core from Madrid zone (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
SENZA FRONTIERE “Non c'è futuro senza memoria” Street-Punk from Milano
STAGE BOTTLES “Power of revenge” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
STAGE BOTTLES “Fair enough” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
STREETS OF RAGE “East side pirates” Oi! Street-Punk from Nancy (FRANCE)
THE 80's “Alta tensione VOL.I” Italian hystorical 80s Oi! songs really well covered from Roma zone
THE 80's “ Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
THE OPPRESSED “Antifa hooligans” SHARP Oi! legends from Cardiff (WALES)
ULTIMA RIPRESA “1° round..wanna fight?” Oi!/Street-Punk from Torino
V/A “Class pride world wide 2” second compil. made Insurgence Rec. Canada with Prowlers, Bolchoi, Angelic Upstarts, Garotos Podres, Analogs and many more (21 international bands)
V/A “Compilation benefit for Torpedos Torino” compil. Benefit for Torpedos crew almost all the best Italian Oi! bands in activity + Non Servium, Opcio K-95 and Adversion (26 mostly Italian bands)
V/A “Fuck fascism before it fucks you” a tribute to The Oppressed with Bull Brigade, Prowlers, Freiboiter, Stage Bottles and many more performing The Oppressed's songs (18 international bands)
V/A “Hate/love” the definitive 80s Punk and Oi! collection! with Kina, Peggio Punx, Impact, Nabat, Eu's Arse, Fun, Rappresaglia, Negazione etc.. (45 Italian bands, 2 Cds, 50pages booklet)
V/A “No repression” benefit compilation with The Oppressed, Youngang, Razzapparte, Spina nel Fianco, Suspenders and many more (23 mostly Italian bands / Zerocalcare's cover design)
V/A “Oi! siamo ancora qui” reprint of a great last-80s Oi! compil. with Asociale, Ghetto84, Rough, Klasse Kriminale, Nabat, The Stab and many more, also rarity (19 Italian Oi! Bands)
V/A “Rock aganist Silvio” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock, Ska-Punk, Oi!, HCM bands (52 bands - 2CD)
V/A “Streets of America” compilation of American Oi!, Punk and HC bands (18 American bands)
V/A “Start the fire” compilation of mainly German Street-Punk (15 bands – 30 songs)
V/A “The explosion of punk VOL. 3” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock bands (47 Italian bands - 2CD)
V/A “This is high voltage VOL. 1” compilation of French Punk bands of 90s-00s (25 French bands)
V/A “United Skins” RASH compilation with Opcio-K95, Los Fastidios, Blaggers ITA, Stage Bottles, Atarassia Grop, Zartako and many more (25 international bands)
VINDICATE THIS “Stronger than yesterday” Street-Punk from Malmö (SWEDEN)

HARDCORE - PUNK-HC and similar
AFFLUENTE “Il sogno della merce” one of the best Italian Punk-HC bands ever from Ascoli and Teramo (2CDs anthology)
ASSEDIO/CRUEL REVENGE “s/t” Punk-HC from Viterbo (2 bands split)
AZRAEL “Rehellity” English speaking great Punk-HC from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
CONGEGNO “s/t” Punk-HC from Trento
DCP “Voiceless” HC from Brescia  
GTA (GRAND THEFT AGE) “We come from your hell” HC meets Street-Punk from Roma
I FUZONI “s/t” Punk-HC from Imola
MAI “Nausea” Punk-HC from Verona
PAYBACK “Usque ad finem” Old School NYHC style from Roma
PROTERVIA “Nuestra esquela” antifascist brutal HC from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
RAW POWER “Fuck Authority” really ALL you can hear from the legend of Italian HC-Punk from …? (2CD more than 80songs)
REBELDE “Fratelli di sangue” one of the best bands Romagna has ever seen.. Street-Punk/HC from Forlì
SEXSAINTS “A new drug” finest Punk-HC from Roma
STANDING STRONG “Oro e merda” Old School HC from Torino
STRANGEDZ “Lieto fine”Punk-HC from Grosseto
SZ.RIBALTA “Di po di” Punk-HC from South Sardinia
TOEDGEIN “Shell Rock” Old School HC from Olbia  
THE FOURTH SIN “Anger” HC from Roma
ZARTAKO “Sangre por sangre” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)
ZARTAKO “Primero nosotros” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)

LAFURIA! “s/t” all stars band performing a great Rap-HC with several featurings, from Rome zone
MONTELUPO “Il canzoniere anarchico” traditional Italian anarchist songs re-issued with a great and various folky sound from Roma zone
MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE “Hoods up” militant HC-Rap from Moscow (RUSSIA)
MR. IRISH BASTARD “Fortune & Glory” great Irish Folk-Rock from Münster (GERMANY)
ROYAL SHAMROCK “Advance and retire” Irish Folk-Rock from Tokyo (JAPAN)
SANG MÊLE “En toute sincérité” great antifascist Militant Rap from Limonges (FRANCE)  
SERPE IN SENO “Carne” great Militant Rap from Roma  
THE WAKES “The red and the green” antifascist Irish Folk-Rock form Glasgow (SCOTLAND)  

SKA - REGGAE - SOUL - SKA-PUNK and similar 
65 MINES STREET “Fix the clock” 2 Tone, Ska from Audincourt (FRANCE)  
ASKULTURA “You stank, we skank” Ska mixed with everything form Miami (UNITED STATES)
ASKULTURA “Ten strong superpunk skarantella reggae rumba fury” eclectic multiple styles Ska singing in several languages (dialect of Neaples too!) from Miami (UNITED STATES)
BOBBY SIXKILLER “Lonely road” Reggae and Soul from Nancy (FRANCE)
CANTINERO “Resta a ballare” Ska and 2 Tone from Milano zone
LA FAMILIA TORELLI “Beyond organic” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)
NH3 “Eroi senza volto” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro
NH3 “Rise Up” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro
QUARTIER LIBRE “Live, speed and kalarlak” Ska, 2 Tone, Ska-Punk, Oi!, Punk.. anything! but well made! From Sedan (FRANCE)
REDSKA “Le mie prigioni” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì
REDSKA “La rivolta” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì
SALLY BROWN “El sonido de manana...hoy!!” Ska, Two-Tone from Madrid (SPAIN)  
SKARFACE “Mythic enemy # 1” great Ska and 2 Tone from the hystorical band from Paris (FRANCE)
THE AGGRESSORS BC “The tones of the times” great Ska and 2 tone from Belfast (NORTHERN IRELAND)
THE BANKROBBERS “Our times” 2 tone Ska from Lucca
THE BANKROBBERS “Folgen” 2 tone Ska from Lucca  
THE MIGHTY FISHERS “Soul garden” finest Rocksteady and Early Reggae from Budapest (HUNGARY)
THE OFFENDERS “Action reaction” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Anthems for the gutter” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Shots screems and broken dreams” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OROBIANS “Anniversary album” anthology of this Ska legend from Bergamo
THE XPLOSIONS “A little way different” Early Reggae form London (ENGLAND)
THORPEDIANS “Maximum hard reggae from the top” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)


THE 80's “Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
BANDA BASSOTTI “Vecchi cani bastardi” the best Combat-Ska band in Italy. Nothing more, nothing less. From Rome
BRIGADA FLORES MAGON “Tout pour tous” one of the best RASH band in France, Oi! 'n Roll 'n Ska from Paris (FRANCE)
BLACK STAR DUB COLLECTIVE “Vampire” Reggae-Dub from Manchester (ENGLAND)
CONTRASTO “Statico senso” heroes of Romagna Punk-Hc limited edition full lenght album! From Cesena
CONTRASTO / KALASHNIKOV “Come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata” great Punk-Hc in light blue vinyl from Cesena and Milano (10”)
CONTRASTO / NAGASAKI NIGHTMARE “Rabbia trafigge immobile resa” Punk-HC from Cesena meets Crust-Core from Bari
GHETTO 84 “A denti stretti” re-issuing of the hystorical album of this great 80s Bologna Oi! band
KLAXON / GLI ULTIMI “Anime corsare” the story and the best new band of Italian Punk share a TNT LP! From Rome zone
PUNTAS DE ACERO “Decada de decadencia” pure Oi! from Mendoza (ARGENTINA)
RETAQUE / DEMASIADOS ENEMIGOS “Southamerican-Europe connection” Oi!/Street-Punk from Quito (ECUADOR) and Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN) 2 bands split
SKARMENTO “Afia os cotenos” Punk-Rock from GALIZA-SPAIN (10”)

AFFLUENTE / CONTRASTO “Insurrezione” 2 of the best Italian Punk-HC band from Ascoli-Teramo and Cesena
BECAUSE THE BEAN “Indifferenza nera” great Punk-Hardcore from Parma
CONTRASTO / LE TORMENTA “La poesia è azione” Romagna top Punk-HC from Cesena and Forlì
FUN / GOZZILLA E LE TRE BAMBINE COI BAFFI “Chi non muore si rivede”  new split EP of 2 of the best and hystorical bands of Italy from Rome and Aprilia
NABAT / COLONNA INFAME “Ti sei fermato ad ascoltare?” split EP among the best Oi! bands of 80s and of 90s.. from Bologna and Rome
PULLMANX “E' tutta colpa vostra” Punk rarity from Pesaro
TOMATO ROTTEN “Hei! Papa” great Old Style Punk rarity from Cattolica (RN)
PLAKKAGGIO “C.D.G.” last work of the great Oi!-Hc-Metal blasphemy band from Colleferro (RM)

ZEROCALCARE “La profezia dell'armadillo” seconda edizione (colori 8bit)
ZEROCALCARE “Un polpo alla gola” prima storia a fumetti disegnata dal fumettista punkaccacì di Roma
ZEROCALCARE “Dodici” Zombie a Rebibbia!
ZEROCALCARE “Dimentica il mio nome” ultimo edito, storia a fumetti del fumettista dei “nostri”

giovedì 26 febbraio 2015



OI! - STREET-PUNK - COMBAT and similar
5MDR “Via di qua” Street-Punk/Oi! from Savona
06 SKINS “Roma la bulla” Oi! from Roma
22 LONGS RIFFS “A bout portant” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
AC DECUS “Comme un pavé” Street-Punk/Oi! From Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
ARGIES “Quen despierta” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ARGIES “Click off” Combat Punk legends form Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA)
ASHPIPE “Born bad” Combat Punk/Ska from Tortona
ASSERT “Laser tattoo removal service” British Punk from Midlands (ENGLAND)
ASTENSIONE “Distropico riscatto” Street-Punk from Barletta-Andria
ATARASSIA GROP “Non si può fermare il vento” Combat-Punk at its best from Como  
ATARASSIA GROP “The old, the bad and the ugly” Greatest hits, rarities, eps etc.. all in an album of the great Combat-Punk band of Como 
BASTA “Non cambierò mai” 80s Oi! from Certaldo (FI)
BOOTSTROKE / JUNGLE FEVER “Pride of Athens” Oi! Street-Punk from Athens (HELLAS)
BOTTLEJOB “Take it on the chin” British style Oi! from London (ENGLAND)
BRIGATA ALCOLICA “2 agosto 1980” great Oi! from Bologna
BURNT CROSS “Mankind's obituary” Anarcho-Punk from Brighton (ENGLAND)
CERVELLI STANKI “Street rock and roll” Oi! veterans from Savona
CERVELLI STANKI “15 years.. old tunes, new blood” Oi! veterans from Savona
CIURMA SKINS “s/t” Oi! from South Sardinia
DESPERTA FERRO “L'alba d'un nou jorn” Oi! and Street-Punk from Barcelona, best of + DVD live
DIOSFERA CORPORATION “s/t” Street-Punk from Ragusa
DONKEY WORK “Kick up a recket” Oi! From Potsdam (GERMANY)
DUAP “Solo per noi” SPQR-Oi! Legend from Roma
ERODE “Tepo che non ritorna” Combat-Punk legend from Como
ENRAGED MINORITY “Antitude” Street-Punk from Freiburg (GERMANY)  
GAVROCHE “Ragazzo come noi” Street-Punk from Torino
GAVROCHE “Spettatori di distruzione” Street-Punk from Torino
GLI ULTIMI “Questi anni” Melodic and really great Street-Punk from Roma zone 
GUACAMAYA “Fino all'ultimo bandito” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Il sangue e la polvere” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)
GUACAMAYA “Come un pugno nello stomaco” Combat-Punk from Magenta (MI)   
GUILTY BASTARDS “Per te stesso” Oi! From Monza-Brianza 
HELL BEER BOYS “No penses por mi” Street-Punk from Goierri zone (EUSKADI)
HORS CONTROLE “Enfants du charbon” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HORS CONTROLE “L'union fait la force” French Oi! veterans from Marceau-Des-Mines (FRANCE)
HVB “Valstar revenge” Oi! from St. Aubin de Baubigné (FRANCE)
INFAMIA “Decade” Street-Punk from Modena
JESUS SKINS “Nazareth” Christian-Oi! legend from Hamburg (GERMANY)
JESUS SKINS / JEWDRIVER “s/t” when Christian-Oi! of Hamburg (GERMANY) meets Jewish Street-Punk from Oakland (UNITED STATES) 2 bands split
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Larmes au poings” great anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
JEUNESSE APATRIDE “Jusqu'au bout” Anarchist Street-Punk with female voice from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)  
KABAL LA REVOLTE “Doujans” antifascist Street-Punk from Bretagne zone (FRANCE)
KATTIVA REPUTAZIONE “Spirito guerriero” Street-Punk from Monza 
KIDS OF THE STREETS “Oi! for the rebels” antifascist Oi! from Moskow zone (RUSSIA)
KOMINTERN 43 “Grupos de tormenta” redskin Oi! from Bogotà (COLOMBIA) 
LA GACHETTE “Ne renoncera pas” Street-Punk with male and female voices from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)
LA THEORIE DU BOXON “Pour un repas riche et pas cher” Anarcho-Punk with male and female voices from Niort (FRANCE)
LAST STRIKE “Delnicky rock” antifascist Oi! from Moravia zone (CZECH REP.)
LINEA “Revoluzionando” great and hystorical Combat-Rock band from Milano
LOS FASTIDIOS “Contiamo su di voi” one of the best album of the hystorical Antifa Oi! Street-Punk band from Verona  
LUTECE BORGIA “Long live summer” French Oi! veterans form Paris (FRANCE)
MAYDAY “Comme une bombe” Oi! Street-Punk from Montreal (QUEBEC-CANADA)  
MATA RATOS “Es um homem ou es um rato?” great Street-Punk from Lisboa (PORTUGAL)
MENCER VERMELLO “Krasnii Rassvet” ultra-red Oi! from La Coruna (GALIZA-SPAIN)
NO WHITE RAG “Silence is violence” one of the best Italian Street-Punk band from Modena
NUCLEO TERCO “La comision de la estaca” ultre-red Oi! from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
OVERLOAD “2011” pure British Oi! from Cambridge (ENGLAND)
PEGGIO EMILIA “Anticittadino” Punk-Rock da Reggio Emilia   
PESTPOCKEN “No love for a nation” pure and great Punk from Giessen (GERMANY)
PILSNER OIQUELL “Na zapadni fronte klid” Czech Oi! brewers from Plzen (CZECH REP.)
PRODUZENTEN DER FROIDE “Ready for love” RASH Oi! from Stuttgart (GERMANY)
RAZOR BOIS “s/t” Russian top antifascist Oi! from Moskow (RUSSIA)
RAZZAPPARTE “Briganti” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
RAZZAPPARTE “Il drago e il leone” Oi! veterans from Viterbo
REAZIONE “L'altra faccia della riviera + Indelebile” 2 great works in an album for the Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini  
REAZIONE “Best of” anthology of the veteran Oi!/Street-Punk band from Rimini
RPG7 “En tu ciuidad” red Oi!-Core from Madrid zone (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
SENZA FRONTIERE “Non c'è futuro senza memoria” Street-Punk from Milano
STAGE BOTTLES “Power of revenge” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
STAGE BOTTLES “Fair enough” Combat-Punk from Frankfurt (GERMANY)  
STREETS OF RAGE “East side pirates” Oi! Street-Punk from Nancy (FRANCE)
THE 80's “Alta tensione VOL.I” Italian hystorical 80s Oi! songs really well covered from Roma zone
THE 80's “ Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
THE OPPRESSED “Antifa hooligans” SHARP Oi! legends from Cardiff (WALES)
ULTIMA RIPRESA “1° round..wanna fight?” Oi!/Street-Punk from Torino
V/A “Class pride world wide 2” second compil. made Insurgence Rec. Canada with Prowlers, Bolchoi, Angelic Upstarts, Garotos Podres, Analogs and many more (21 international bands)
V/A “Compilation benefit for Torpedos Torino” compil. Benefit for Torpedos crew almost all the best Italian Oi! bands in activity + Non Servium, Opcio K-95 and Adversion (26 mostly Italian bands)
V/A “Fuck fascism before it fucks you” a tribute to The Oppressed with Bull Brigade, Prowlers, Freiboiter, Stage Bottles and many more performing The Oppressed's songs (18 international bands)
V/A “Hate/love” the definitive 80s Punk and Oi! collection! with Kina, Peggio Punx, Impact, Nabat, Eu's Arse, Fun, Rappresaglia, Negazione etc.. (45 Italian bands, 2 Cds, 50pages booklet)
V/A “No repression” benefit compilation with The Oppressed, Youngang, Razzapparte, Spina nel Fianco, Suspenders and many more (23 mostly Italian bands / Zerocalcare's cover design)
V/A “Oi! siamo ancora qui” reprint of a great last-80s Oi! compil. with Asociale, Ghetto84, Rough, Klasse Kriminale, Nabat, The Stab and many more, also rarity (19 Italian Oi! Bands)
V/A “Rock aganist Silvio” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock, Ska-Punk, Oi!, HCM bands (52 bands - 2CD)
V/A “Streets of America” compilation of American Oi!, Punk and HC bands (18 American bands)
V/A “Start the fire” compilation of mainly German Street-Punk (15 bands – 30 songs)
V/A “The explosion of punk VOL. 3” compilation of Italian Punk-Rock bands (47 Italian bands - 2CD)
V/A “This is high voltage VOL. 1” compilation of French Punk bands of 90s-00s (25 French bands)
V/A “United Skins” RASH compilation with Opcio-K95, Los Fastidios, Blaggers ITA, Stage Bottles, Atarassia Grop, Zartako and many more (25 international bands)
VINDICATE THIS “Stronger than yesterday” Street-Punk from Malmö (SWEDEN)

HARDCORE - PUNK-HC and similar
AFFLUENTE “Il sogno della merce” one of the best Italian Punk-HC bands ever from Ascoli and Teramo (2CDs anthology)
ASSEDIO/CRUEL REVENGE “s/t” Punk-HC from Viterbo (2 bands split)
AZRAEL “Rehellity” English speaking great Punk-HC from Frankfurt (GERMANY)
CONGEGNO “s/t” Punk-HC from Trento
DCP “Voiceless” HC from Brescia   
GTA (GRAND THEFT AGE) “We come from your hell” HC meets Street-Punk from Roma
I FUZONI “s/t” Punk-HC from Imola
MAI “Nausea” Punk-HC from Verona
PAYBACK “Usque ad finem” Old School NYHC style from Roma
PROTERVIA “Nuestra esquela” antifascist brutal HC from Madrid (CASTILLA-SPAIN)
RAW POWER “Fuck Authority” really ALL you can hear from the legend of Italian HC-Punk from …? (2CD more than 80songs)
REBELDE “Fratelli di sangue” one of the best bands Romagna has ever seen.. Street-Punk/HC from Forlì
SEXSAINTS “A new drug” finest Punk-HC from Roma
STANDING STRONG “Oro e merda” Old School HC from Torino
STRANGEDZ “Lieto fine”Punk-HC from Grosseto
SZ.RIBALTA “Di po di” Punk-HC from South Sardinia
TOEDGEIN “Shell Rock” Old School HC from Olbia   
THE FOURTH SIN “Anger” HC from Roma
ZARTAKO “Sangre por sangre” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)
ZARTAKO “Primero nosotros” HC and Oi! from Bilbao (EUSKAL HERRIA)

LAFURIA! “s/t” all stars band performing a great Rap-HC with several featurings, from Rome zone
MONTELUPO “Il canzoniere anarchico” traditional Italian anarchist songs re-issued with a great and various folky sound from Roma zone
MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE “Hoods up” militant HC-Rap from Moscow (RUSSIA)
MR. IRISH BASTARD “Fortune & Glory” great Irish Folk-Rock from Münster (GERMANY)
ROYAL SHAMROCK “Advance and retire” Irish Folk-Rock from Tokyo (JAPAN)
SANG MÊLE “En toute sincérité” great antifascist Militant Rap from Limonges (FRANCE)   
SERPE IN SENO “Carne” great Militant Rap from Roma   
THE WAKES “The red and the green” antifascist Irish Folk-Rock form Glasgow (SCOTLAND)   

SKA - REGGAE - SOUL - SKA-PUNK and similar 
65 MINES STREET “Fix the clock” 2 Tone, Ska from Audincourt (FRANCE)   
ASKULTURA “You stank, we skank” Ska mixed with everything form Miami (UNITED STATES)
ASKULTURA “Ten strong superpunk skarantella reggae rumba fury” eclectic multiple styles Ska singing in several languages (dialect of Neaples too!) from Miami (UNITED STATES)
BOBBY SIXKILLER “Lonely road” Reggae and Soul from Nancy (FRANCE)
CANTINERO “Resta a ballare” Ska and 2 Tone from Milano zone
LA FAMILIA TORELLI “Beyond organic” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)
NH3 “Eroi senza volto” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro  
NH3 “Rise Up” Combat Ska-Punk da Pesaro  
QUARTIER LIBRE “Live, speed and kalarlak” Ska, 2 Tone, Ska-Punk, Oi!, Punk.. anything! but well made! From Sedan (FRANCE)
REDSKA “Le mie prigioni” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì  
REDSKA “La rivolta” Combat Ska-Punk heroes from Forlì
SALLY BROWN “El sonido de manana...hoy!!” Ska, Two-Tone from Madrid (SPAIN)   
SKARFACE “Mythic enemy # 1” great Ska and 2 Tone from the hystorical band from Paris (FRANCE)
THE BANKROBBERS “Our times” 2 tone Ska from Lucca
THE BANKROBBERS “Folgen” 2 tone Ska from Lucca   
THE OFFENDERS “Action reaction” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Anthems for the gutter” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OFFENDERS “Shots screems and broken dreams” Ska and Reggae from Berlin (GERMANY)
THE OROBIANS “Anniversary album” anthology of this Ska legend from Bergamo
THE XPLOSIONS “A little way different” Early Reggae form London (ENGLAND)
THORPEDIANS “Maximum hard reggae from the top” Early Reggae and Ska form Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN)


THE 80's “Tradizione di qualità VOL.II” second shot of this Karaoke-Oi! Band from Roma zone
BANDA BASSOTTI “Vecchi cani bastardi” the best Combat-Ska band in Italy. Nothing more, nothing less. From Rome
BRIGADA FLORES MAGON “Tout pour tous” one of the best RASH band in France, Oi! 'n Roll 'n Ska from Paris (FRANCE) 
BLACK STAR DUB COLLECTIVE “Vampire” Reggae-Dub from Manchester (ENGLAND)
CONTRASTO “Statico senso” heroes of Romagna Punk-Hc limited edition full lenght album! From Cesena
CONTRASTO / KALASHNIKOV “Come il soffitto di una chiesa bombardata” great Punk-Hc in light blue vinyl from Cesena and Milano (10”)
CONTRASTO / NAGASAKI NIGHTMARE “Rabbia trafigge immobile resa” Punk-HC from Cesena meets Crust-Core from Bari
GHETTO 84 “A denti stretti” re-issuing of the hystorical album of this great 80s Bologna Oi! band
KLAXON / GLI ULTIMI “Anime corsare” the story and the best new band of Italian Punk share a TNT LP! From Rome zone
PUNTAS DE ACERO “Decada de decadencia” pure Oi! from Mendoza (ARGENTINA)
RETAQUE / DEMASIADOS ENEMIGOS “Southamerican-Europe connection” Oi!/Street-Punk from Quito (ECUADOR) and Barcelona (CATALUNYA-SPAIN) 2 bands split
SKARMENTO “Afia os cotenos” Punk-Rock from GALIZA-SPAIN (10”)

AFFLUENTE / CONTRASTO “Insurrezione” 2 of the best Italian Punk-HC band from Ascoli-Teramo and Cesena
BECAUSE THE BEAN “Indifferenza nera” great Punk-Hardcore from Parma
CONTRASTO / LE TORMENTA “La poesia è azione” Romagna top Punk-HC from Cesena and Forlì
FUN / GOZZILLA E LE TRE BAMBINE COI BAFFI “Chi non muore si rivede”  new split EP of 2 of the best and hystorical bands of Italy from Rome and Aprilia
NABAT / COLONNA INFAME “Ti sei fermato ad ascoltare?” split EP among the best Oi! bands of 80s and of 90s.. from Bologna and Rome 
PULLMANX “E' tutta colpa vostra” Punk rarity from Pesaro
TOMATO ROTTEN “Hei! Papa” great Old Style Punk rarity from Cattolica (RN)
PLAKKAGGIO “C.D.G.” last work of the great Oi!-Hc-Metal blasphemy band from Colleferro (RM)